Kung Chan: ANBOUND Think Tank is the place where I have worked for 30 years. Now I have retired, but there are still many researchers who are devoting their youth to this platform. I am honored to introduce to you four excellent employees of ANBOUND Think Tank, who are the employees with the longest working hours of ANBOUND Think Tank. Work with me.
安邦智库是我工作了30年的地方,现在我退休了,但是还有很多的研究工作者在这个平台上奉献自己的青春,我很荣幸的将安邦智库4名优秀的员工介绍给大家,他们是安邦智库工作时长最长的员工,2023年1月19日让他们陪伴大家一起工作和学习,Work with me。