ANBOUND Seminar 2021 China Economic Trend Outlook was virtually convened on December 18, 2020. The topics focus on post-pandemic global trends, in-depth analysis on geopolitical environment, global economy, finance, industrial development, and public policy to identify major international trends. There were around two hundred of state and local government officials, corporate executives, and policy researchers joined this event online.
Chan Kung, ANBOUND’s founder, stressed the importance to figure out the latest trends. In an era full of significant changes, the moves have been constantly accelerating. Major transformation could occur within a short period of time, while those took many years in the past. The stable status is over. What is vital now? To keep close eyes on environmental changes, to make judgments and preparations as earlier as better.
Concerning the trends in China’s “Dual-Circulation” and new economic space, He Jun, ANBOUND’s Director of China Economic Research Center and senior researcher did some explanations. Yangtze River Economic Belt, Chengdu-Chongqing Twin City Economic Circle, Greater Bay Area, and the integration of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei all are key areas in the next stage of regional economy. In terms of industrial economic space, digital economy and hydrogen-energy society will be focal points to have big impacts on China’s future development.
Dr. Wei Hongxu, ANBOUND’s economist discussed issues on China’s financial trends at the beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan, in which he talked about China’s financial market and industry trends under the backdrop of global easing monetary policy and U.S.-China financial war intensified. The Chinese government and enterprises shall adapt to new financing conditions along with the COVID-19 that ravages the world.
Three speakers from ANBOUND also responded the questions from audiences online. This event was moderated by Zhaoxi Wang, Director of Public Relations and Media.