Poland Bars Russia from OSCE

2 min readNov 22, 2022


Kung Chan, founder of ANBOUND

Poland has barred Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov from joining the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Council of Foreign Ministers. The meeting is scheduled for December 1 and December 2 in Lodz, Poland.

On Saturday, the Russian Foreign Ministry responded to Warsaw’s rejection in a statement, calling Poland’s decision as OSCE’s rotating chair an “unprecedented provocation”. In the statement, the Foreign Ministry called on the OSCE to develop a “rules-based order”.

Poland also barred the Russian delegation from participating in the autumn session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, which will take place in Warsaw from November 24 to 26. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that this is incompatible with the chairmanship of the organization.

Barbara Bartus, head of the Polish delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, said in response to visa requests that allowing the Russian delegation to participate in OSCE meetings “would violate the principle of solidarity with Ukraine”. Vladimir Dzhabarov, first deputy chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian Federation Council, also issued a statement on Wednesday.

I anticipate that in the future, there will be more and more incidents where the seats of the countries concerned are not abolished, but they are prohibited from participating in the events.

This might even happen at the United Nations as well. Those who think that having a seat means having the expressing power will be shocked to find out that this may not be the case.

Read More Analysis Here:

https://t.me/PublicPolicyThirdChannel (EN)

https://t.me/tttukrw (CN)




Written by ANBOUND

ANBOUND is a multinational independent think tank, specializing in public policy research, incl. economy, urban and industry, geopolitical issues. Est. 1993.

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